For forty years Sadep has been dealing with the sale of the best quality salt to be used on your table and in your companies.
The knowledge of this precious food, in all its uses and in its many forms, is due to a constant commitment and research in order to guarantee products able to satisfy the highest expectations.
A wide choice of salt, a wide range of formats, together with a consolidated experience and a widespread network of excellent suppliers constitute the pillars that govern the company's activity and that make the proposed products the right answer for every need.
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Via Chisola 14/B - 10048 Vinovo (TO)
Tel: +39 011 9653754
Fax: + 39 011 9938048
Deposit 1:
Vinovo (TO) 10048 Piedmont
Deposit 2:
Bolgare (BG) 24060 Lombardy
Deposit 3:
Albenga (SV) 17031 Liguria