Sadep of Vinovo (TO) has developed a line of salt for electrolysis pools for purification and sterilization of water through the electrolysis process, in order to avoid adding chlorine-based or anti-algae products, annoying for the eyes and skin.
The advantages of using salt to purify and sterilize your pool water are many:
And for the most demanding we recommend the Pink Himalayan salt for swimming pools that is a 100% pure integral fossil salt which in addition to purifying and sterilizing the water, distributes its own 84 trace elements to your pool recreating the environment of a wellness center / spa, and which with its typical characteristics is very suitable for the treatment of skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis and various skin disorders. Tips for adding salt to the pool: it is necessary to restore the salt concentration in your pool at least two or three times per season; check the salinity rate and add salt if the concentration is less than 5 gr / lt.
To find out how many kg of salt you need to add, we suggest a simple formula:
(optimal concentration - real concentration) x (cubic meters of the pool) = (kg of salt to add)
Example with a swimming pool of 100 cubic meters and a saline concentration of 2.8 gr / lt
optimal concentration: 5 gr / lt
real concentration of your pool: 2.8 gr / lt
cubic meters of your pool: 100 cubic meters
Kg of salt to add: 220 kg
Formula used: (5 gr / lt - 2.8 gr / lt) x 100 mc = 220 Kg
Via Chisola 14/B - 10048 Vinovo (TO)
Tel: +39 011 9653754
Fax: + 39 011 9938048
Deposit 1:
Vinovo (TO) 10048 Piedmont
Deposit 2:
Bolgare (BG) 24060 Lombardy
Deposit 3:
Albenga (SV) 17031 Liguria